Montana Resources has consistently stayed well below the industry average accident rate. Montana Resources believes zero incidents are achievable and expects all 380 employees to align with that philosophy. The mining environment has numerous hazards but our workforce knows how to assess the hazards and mitigate the risk. We never move forward with a task until safety has been considered.

Health & Safety Operational Excellence Award

While we prescribe and follow through with rigorous safety requirements that all mines are subjected to, the real key has been to build a safety culture that creates a positive attitude around safety. In 2008, we embarked on a program called Courageous Safety Leadership with the vision of improving our safety culture.
Montana Resources was awarded the Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration Health & Safety Operational Excellence Award on February 25, 2020, for achieving 10 years without a lost-time injury and by fostering a culture of safety that included top-to-bottom leadership commitment, staff education and the integration of new work practices.
On March 16, 2015, Montana Resources received the Governor’s Safety Award due to its safety record and compliance with the Montana Safety Culture Act. Read the full article on Montana Resources’ Governor’s Safety Award.
Montana Resources has received a Safety Award for Outstanding Dedication to Safe Quality Production every year since 2011 from the International Society of Mine Safety Professionals.